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Inter alia: Definition, Example and Related Terms

What does it mean when something is Inter alia ?

Inter alia is a Latin term that translates to 'among other things'. In the realm of legal documents and contracts, it's used to introduce a list of items, stipulations, or provisions without having to name them all explicitly. This phrase helps to imply that the listed items are not exhaustive, and there are other related elements involved in the context.

For example, in a legal contract, a clause might state, 'The parties agree to adhere to the terms outlined in this agreement, which includes, inter alia, compliance with applicable laws and payment terms.' This indicates that while compliance and payment terms are specifically mentioned, there are other conditions included in the agreement that aren't explicitly listed.

The use of inter alia is common in legal writing as it provides a concise way to acknowledge the presence of additional elements without listing every single one. This can help avoid clutter in complex legal documents and allows for flexibility if more can be incorporated contextually over time.

It is important when drafting or reviewing contracts to understand which additional, unlisted items might be implied by the use of inter alia. Legal professionals often have to interpret these implications carefully to ensure that there is no misunderstanding about the scope of responsibilities or rights within the contractual framework.


  • Scenario Description
    Business Partnership Agreement The agreement included, inter alia, discussions on profit sharing, management duties, and exit strategies.
    Employment Contract The employee's responsibilities were outlined, inter alia, to include project management, client consultation, and training sessions.
    Supply Agreement The terms and conditions included, inter alia, delivery schedules, quality standards, and penalties for late shipments.