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Adduce Evidence: Definition, Example and Related Terms

What is Adduce Evidence ?

Adduce evidence is a term often used in legal and commercial proceedings, which simply means to present evidence in support of an argument or a claim. Imagine you're having a friendly debate with your friend about who's the best basketball player. You might 'adduce evidence' by showing them stats or videos of your favorite player in action. Now, in a commercial contract setting, this would look a little different. Here, it could involve presenting documents, financial records, emails, or other data to support a claim made in a negotiation or dispute. For instance, if a company claims it has fulfilled its contractual obligations, it could adduce evidence in the form of delivery receipts or client emails confirming receipt and satisfaction.


  • Scenario Description
    A software development company is contracted to build a custom software for a client. The contract states that the software must meet certain specifications and be delivered within six months. The client claims that the delivered software doesn't meet the agreed specifications. In this situation, the software company might adduce evidence to defend its position. This could involve presenting design documents, testing results, and correspondence with the client that show the software was built according to the agreed specifications. The evidence could also include project timelines and delivery records to prove the software was delivered within the contracted timeframe.
    A manufacturer enters into a contract with a supplier for regular deliveries of raw materials. The supplier claims it has not been paid for several deliveries. The manufacturer, in this case, can adduce evidence by producing bank statements, transfer receipts or other financial records to prove that payments were made. The manufacturer could also present email exchanges or other communications where the supplier acknowledged receipt of payments.